Friday, August 6, 2010

Transformations...God what would You have me do?

The last two days I was extremely priviledged to attend the Global Leadership Summit at a host site in Minnesota, free of charge, by my home church.

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt to be the truest You that God intended? There was no grand production, no huge crazy event that caused this transformation. I wasn't brought forward and there was no ceremony. I think, for me, that it was a result of being 'tuned in' to the nudging of the spirit, stepping out in faith, and expecting to see something, anything, that God would have for me to see, hear, learn, or experience. I think that is just a portion of what I felt attending this week and I hope those who attended with me had the same receptive, hungry hearts.

There was so much great insight packed into two days that I wish I could have had a full day hearing from each speaker. :) I know that God moves in our lives and those 'tuned in' may even see how the events and situations in their lives are connected. I'm finding all the time, even in small things, that almost everything has a connection to something that is similar or familiar to someone, or a connection to a song I hear on the radio to a book study our mom's group is doing, to a speaker on the radio, to the current sermon we are doing at church.

There are days when I feel so aware of this that at moments my mind wonders...are all the churches and radio stations following some "master schedule" that they don't want you to know about? Is it a Christian Truman Show? :) Perhaps more true would be that there is a Master and His schedule is what affects all those that are 'tuned in'?

I don't say 'tuned in' to sound make it seem new age...but for me I think it's a conscious decision for the most part to be aware that God is there, that He is here, that He is with You always. I can't, for the moment, think of a better description. We can so easily be concerned with what's going on in the world, our bills, our families, our circumstances that we can 'tune out' God--whether seasonally or momentarily. I am conscious of Him and I think about Him all the time. Almost every life situation makes me think of something relatable in scripture or something relating to God...BUT...I am not always having consistent dialogue, I am not following the whispers, I am not seeking the will of God daily. I want to though, I do.

I was very interested in the speaking on Bill Hybels book "The Power of a Whisper: Hearing God, Having the Guts to Respond" I connected with what he was saying and he made statements that really stood out to me. I have talked to a few people about how I see "chains" in the way people are connected, or how events/situations have played out, etc...and that was something he also mentioned-as did Tony Dungy. (makes me feel less weird--lol). I decided to purchase the small group study set and once I've gone through it I am thinking of having some people over to study with me...or maybe I'll let the church use it for short small group sessions in between other book studies. The last few weeks I've definitely been considering having a small group here for some specific people that I feel God would have me mentor, but was worried that those feelings were strange. After these two days I am considering that He may be whispering that thought to me and I'll have to figure out what that means.

I will have to pray about this, read that book, and keep my heart available for opportunities.

Sometimes I have anxiety around people that I have no control over. The discussions on the carpool ride both days were so great. I was finally seeing a change in my interactions with people and God really has helped me. I don't know the last time I was really able to share, discuss, relate, and have fun with others and truly be me. I don't want that to sound was just, a transformation. I had even gone to the grocery store the first night and was not feeling the looming anxiety to be around(avoid) people in the store. Generally, but not always I go in, make no eye contact, get my groceries, and go home.
It was as if I was walking taller, able to have my head up, make eye contact or even, if needed, conversation and it felt so different. It wasn't that I was walking around in pride, but I felt released of the heavy weight that I've been trying to push off but for some reason wanted to stay attached. I'm just so grateful for all the things God has been stripping away from me and His patience with me.

--Oh, and the day before the summit we had our last week of Summer Mom's group and the discussions went very well that day too, I really felt a connection and I am just sitting here wondering what's next. What does God want?

God, Help me to be a blessing to my kids, my husband, my friends, and those that you put in my path. Help me to live my life with integrity, patience, kindness, and Your love. Guide my words and help me to learn. Please grant me wisdom in your Word in order to reflect You to all those I encounter and build my faith to be ready in season and out of season. Bring mentors in my path and guide me to those you would equip me to mentor if that be your design. Place me where You will and make me passionate for Your work. Don't let me quit, don't let me be complacent, and break away the things that take me further away from you. I thank you, in Jesus name...Amen.

1 comment:

  1. So last night I picked up the Bill Hybels book, "The Power of a Whisper: Hearing God, Having the Guts to Respond" and I finished it this afternoon. I almost had to laugh at how many things came up that I said here. Even being tuned in. LOL It was a great read and if you are someone that also wants to hear from God or go deeper with God I'd reccomend this book. Also if you are someone who is a story teller(where one question or event brings to mind all the events related or connected to it) or someone aware of the many connections we have in life this book would probably interest you as well.
