This morning it came to mind that I should share it here in case someone may be looking for some encouragement. :)
GOD wants to give us HOPE.

Segment One
What does hope mean to you and how would you define it?
Sit for a moment and reflect upon the memories and thoughts that the word HOPE brings to your mind.
The dictionary has this to say about hope:
Words of hope from the bible:
Depending on your translation, you will find that hope comes up in the bible more than 100 times in various forms and situations. Ranging from an average of 130 verses to 140 verses. Compound that with a rich language where you’ll find at least six different words used for Hope in the Hebrew and two different words for Hope in the Greek and it makes one wonder if we aren’t missing something sometimes.
Let’s settle in on one verse for the moment. It may be familiar to you and many of you may even have it memorized. But let’s forget for a moment that you know this verse and we will pick it apart and study the Hebrew transliterated words for that verse to see if we can gain some insight.
- The feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.
- A person or thing in which expectations are centered.
- To look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.
- To believe, desire, or trust.
- To feel that something desired may happen.
- (Archaic) to place trust; rely
Words of hope from the bible:
Depending on your translation, you will find that hope comes up in the bible more than 100 times in various forms and situations. Ranging from an average of 130 verses to 140 verses. Compound that with a rich language where you’ll find at least six different words used for Hope in the Hebrew and two different words for Hope in the Greek and it makes one wonder if we aren’t missing something sometimes.
Let’s settle in on one verse for the moment. It may be familiar to you and many of you may even have it memorized. But let’s forget for a moment that you know this verse and we will pick it apart and study the Hebrew transliterated words for that verse to see if we can gain some insight.
Segment 2
Jeremiah 29:11 (NAS)
“For I ________ the ________that I ________ for you,” ____________ the ________, “________ for ________ and not for __________ to give you a __________ and a __________.”
If you have a different version from the New American Standard (NAS) jot down what your bible says.
Below I will share the Hebrew Transliterated words for all the blanks in the above scripture. Now, this is just for insight, don’t feel overwhelmed, in fact feel free to skim over this if it does not interest you. I won’t be quizzing you on these later or expecting correct pronunciation, however I have added my own tip in the parenthesis of how it sounds.
The following are the Hebrew transliterated words from this verse:
• ידע yada` : know v.
to know, learn to know, perceive, distinguish, know by experience, recognize, admit, acknowledge, acquainted with, know intimately, to be made known, to be revealed.
(ya Dah)
• מחשבה machashabah : plans n. fem.
thought, device, plan, purpose, invention
(ma ha sheh vet)
• חשב : chashab : have v.
to think, plan, esteem, calculate, invent, make a judgment, imagine, count, to consider, to be mindful of.
(hah shav)
• נאם : nĕ'um : declares n. masc.
utterance, declaration (prophet), revelation of prophet in ecstatic state or always preceding Divine name.
(neh oom)
• יהוה : Yĕhovah : Jehovah = “the existing One” (LORD)
Proper name of the one true God. Unpronounced except with the vowel
pointings of אדני : 'Adonay (reference =
’Adonay (ad OH nigh) n. masc. is used in place of Yahweh or Jehovah in Jewish display of reverence.
• שלום : shalowm : welfare/peace n. masc.
completeness in number, soundness in body, welfare-health-prosperity, peace, quiet, tranquility, contentment, friendship with God, friendship with others, peace from war
(sha lome)
• רעה : re`eh : friend, friend of the king (technical sense) used where they have the word calamity n. masc.
(ray air)
• נתן : nathan : give v.
give, bestow, grant, permit, devote, dedicate, consecrate, pay wages, sell, exchange, lend, commit, entrust, give over, deliver up, yield produce, stretch out, extend, to put on, appoint, designate, be provided, be entrusted to, be granted to, be permitted, …
( Na Thahn)
• אחרית : 'achariyth : future n. fem.
after, part, end-end issue, end event, latter time (prophetic), posterity, last, hindermost
(AH har eat)
• תקוה : tiqvah : hope n. fem.
cord, hope, expectation, ground of hope, things hoped for, outcome, longing
(Tik Vah)
Think about this, if you insert what can be learned from the Hebrew text it may read this way:
For I know-I know you
the plans-plans that will be revealed, that I have thought and purposed toward you
that I have-have thought and considered
for you" declares-by revelation
the LORD-the existing One, the One true God
"plans-plans that are being revealed
for welfare-peace, completeness, soundness in body, friendship with God and man, contentment, tranquility
and not for calamity-for you are a friend of God
to give you a future-something for a latter time
and a hope.-a joyful expectation, something longed for
What we did on this section of the lesson was one person volunteered to speak the verse in bold while another person, with emphasis, added the deeper meanings to the word that were in gray(italics). If you can find someone to read this with you it may help.
How do you feel when you look at Jeremiah 29:11 with insight from the Hebrew text?
Jeremiah 29:11 (NAS)
“For I ________ the ________that I ________ for you,” ____________ the ________, “________ for ________ and not for __________ to give you a __________ and a __________.”
If you have a different version from the New American Standard (NAS) jot down what your bible says.
Below I will share the Hebrew Transliterated words for all the blanks in the above scripture. Now, this is just for insight, don’t feel overwhelmed, in fact feel free to skim over this if it does not interest you. I won’t be quizzing you on these later or expecting correct pronunciation, however I have added my own tip in the parenthesis of how it sounds.
The following are the Hebrew transliterated words from this verse:
• ידע yada` : know v.
to know, learn to know, perceive, distinguish, know by experience, recognize, admit, acknowledge, acquainted with, know intimately, to be made known, to be revealed.
(ya Dah)
• מחשבה machashabah : plans n. fem.
thought, device, plan, purpose, invention
(ma ha sheh vet)
• חשב : chashab : have v.
to think, plan, esteem, calculate, invent, make a judgment, imagine, count, to consider, to be mindful of.
(hah shav)
• נאם : nĕ'um : declares n. masc.
utterance, declaration (prophet), revelation of prophet in ecstatic state or always preceding Divine name.
(neh oom)
• יהוה : Yĕhovah : Jehovah = “the existing One” (LORD)
Proper name of the one true God. Unpronounced except with the vowel
pointings of אדני : 'Adonay (reference =
’Adonay (ad OH nigh) n. masc. is used in place of Yahweh or Jehovah in Jewish display of reverence.
• שלום : shalowm : welfare/peace n. masc.
completeness in number, soundness in body, welfare-health-prosperity, peace, quiet, tranquility, contentment, friendship with God, friendship with others, peace from war
(sha lome)
• רעה : re`eh : friend, friend of the king (technical sense) used where they have the word calamity n. masc.
(ray air)
• נתן : nathan : give v.
give, bestow, grant, permit, devote, dedicate, consecrate, pay wages, sell, exchange, lend, commit, entrust, give over, deliver up, yield produce, stretch out, extend, to put on, appoint, designate, be provided, be entrusted to, be granted to, be permitted, …
( Na Thahn)
• אחרית : 'achariyth : future n. fem.
after, part, end-end issue, end event, latter time (prophetic), posterity, last, hindermost
(AH har eat)
• תקוה : tiqvah : hope n. fem.
cord, hope, expectation, ground of hope, things hoped for, outcome, longing
(Tik Vah)
Think about this, if you insert what can be learned from the Hebrew text it may read this way:
For I know-I know you
the plans-plans that will be revealed, that I have thought and purposed toward you
that I have-have thought and considered
for you" declares-by revelation
the LORD-the existing One, the One true God
"plans-plans that are being revealed
for welfare-peace, completeness, soundness in body, friendship with God and man, contentment, tranquility
and not for calamity-for you are a friend of God
to give you a future-something for a latter time
and a hope.-a joyful expectation, something longed for
What we did on this section of the lesson was one person volunteered to speak the verse in bold while another person, with emphasis, added the deeper meanings to the word that were in gray(italics). If you can find someone to read this with you it may help.
How do you feel when you look at Jeremiah 29:11 with insight from the Hebrew text?
Was there new insight for you? Record your thoughts if you are journaling though this topic.
Segment 3
What is faith and is it tied to hope? Let’s glance at Hebrews 11:1 in three different translations.
Hebrews 11:1 -- elpizō
--(NAS) Now faith is the assurance of (things) hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
--(NLT) What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen.
It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.
--(NKJ) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
This is just one scripture reference. I wonder, have you consciously paired the two before now or is this a new thought?
Segment Three
What about Hopelessness?
Do we want to go there? Some of us have been there? If you are there now please, please let someone pray for you and with you!
I remember a time when I felt hopeless. I wanted to end my life.
Segment 3
What is faith and is it tied to hope? Let’s glance at Hebrews 11:1 in three different translations.
Hebrews 11:1 -- elpizō
--(NAS) Now faith is the assurance of (things) hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
--(NLT) What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen.
It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.
--(NKJ) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
This is just one scripture reference. I wonder, have you consciously paired the two before now or is this a new thought?
Segment Three
What about Hopelessness?
Do we want to go there? Some of us have been there? If you are there now please, please let someone pray for you and with you!
I remember a time when I felt hopeless. I wanted to end my life.
On more than one occasion in my teen years I succumbed to hopelessness…despair…languish. I thought choosing to end my life would make it all go away. While in truth it essentially will, God did not write that into my story. I would not have the blessings I do now with my 4 children, I would not have the blessings of community within my church, and I would not have the blessings of community within SAMmy’s Menomonie. I remember on one occasion I decided to cut my wrist…I thought I would take a nap in my room and let the situation take care of itself. I was living with my grandmother at the time and trying to be secretive about my intentions. For some reason I could not find anything to cut with so I just decided to take some sewing pins and make a feeble attempt.
The whole while I talked to God about my life, the hardships I had endured, the hardships I was in, and the desperation I felt. I thought…God I can’t do this…it’s too hard. If you are really there you’ll need to intervene here and help me.
I had an empty bottle in case I needed it so that I wouldn’t make a mess on my grandmothers couch. I had a blanket…and my pins. I worked at it painfully trying to manage something…anything…some result. I am purposefully not being graphic here. I did fall asleep and woke up later to a sore, bruised, swollen wrist. My attempts were unsuccessful, but it didn’t change my feelings of despair fully.
God used that situation though to plant a memory in my life…and He has since restored much of what I was dealing with at that time…if not but for a few personal items of baggage I have struggled to surrender and find healing with as he graciously and lovingly works on me over the years.(*A year later now I have learned to surrender even more*)
If we lose focus on the Lord…and allow our circumstances to dictate our lives…our future…we can become susceptible to despair. It can start small, but unaddressed it can spiral downward and blind you to the truth of God.
GOD wants to give us HOPE.
The Dictionary defines Hopelessness as: providing no hope; beyond optimism or hope; desperate without hope; despairing
Sadly it is a condition of humanity that is equal opportunity. It can affect anyone and everyone. We’d like to think it only affects –X- type of people…but we have to be mindful that it has the potential, left unchecked, to affect us all. We are not victims of our circumstances we are “friends of God”, daughters(children) of God through the redemption and faith in our Lord Jesus. Our Loving God, who desires for us to have peace, friendship, joy, and HOPE through nothing but Him. A God who is the author of our story...the One true God who has a future in mind for us. A God who desires to know you, to heal you, to bless you and to work through you to bless others.
“In life, the hard times can expose our dark side, that which needs to be addressed.” Our pastor spoke on this a couple months ago. (2010/2011?) After thinking about what he said I wrote this note and put it on my bulletin board.
“In life, the hard times expose our dark side, that which needs to be addressed. When it surfaces, we need to address it, humble ourselves, and seek forgiveness if we want God to use us. We ALL struggle with this @ times in our life. How we respond will be based on whether or not we trust and believe God…or if we trust and believe in ourselves. There is NO hopelessness in Christ!”
*For your own study reference I have included the information below if you would like to go deeper in your study. is a great tool to use if you are someone who likes to dig into the text, look up various translations and understand the Greek and Hebrew texts or history of the bible.(As well as listen to pronunciation of certain words.)
Words used in the bible for Hope (Greek & Hebrew)
*sounds in parenthesis are based on my own sounding out and not authentic phonetic spelling. R’s and H’s are guttural.
tiqvah (tik vah) N. feminine
miqveh (mik vay –or- mik veh) N. masculine
yachal (yaw hal) V. --to wait, hope, expect
towcheleth (toe high lech) N. feminine --hope
seber (sab ber) N. masculine –hope (only 2 places in the bible Psalms 119:116 & 146:5)
qavah (Ka vah) V. to wait, look for, hope, expect, to wait or look eagerly for
elpizō (El pied zo) V. --used religiously in reference to hope. Trust, waiting for salvation with joy & full confidence.
elpis (el peace) N. feminine –expectation of good, joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation.
Some scriptures that use various forms of “hope”.
--Psalms 31:24 = Hope = yachal
“Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who HOPE in the Lord.”
--Psalm 39:7 = Hope = towcheleth
“And now, Lord, for what do I wait? My HOPE is in you.”
--Psalms 119:116 = Hope = seber
“Sustain me according to your word, that I may live; and do not let me be ashamed of my HOPE.
--Matthew 12:21 = Hope = elpizō
“And in His name the gentiles will HOPE.
--Romans 15:13 = Hope = elpis (both)
“May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
--Jeremiah 14:22 = Hope = qavah
“Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain? Do the skies themselves send down showers? No, it is you, O LORD our God. Therefore our HOPE is in you, for you are the one who does all this.”
Segment Five:
Brief Overview of Jeremiah : *Prophet* “One who is divinely inspired to communicate God’s will to His people and to disclose the future to them.” —New Unger's Bible Dictionary
-Jeremiah's father was an ordinary priest. (As in -not "the priest" or a "high priest")
-In the thirteenth year of King Josiah’s reign Jeremiah received his prophetical call. (He was very young.)
-He helped forward the reformation of religion under Josiah. One of his first missions was to proclaim God's message in Jerusalem. There were many ups and downs and he was also a prophet to the neighboring nations.
Matthew Henry Concise Commentary says the following:
(Jer. 1:1-10)
"The Lord who formed us, knows for what particular services and purposes he intended us. But unless he sanctify us by his new-creating Spirit, we shall neither be fit for his holy service on earth, nor his holy happiness in heaven. ...
But though a sense of our own weakness and insufficiency should make us go humbly about our work, it should not make us draw back when God calls us. Those who have messages to deliver from God, must not fear the face of man. The Lord, by a sign, gave Jeremiah such a gift as was necessary. God's message should be delivered in his own words. Whatever wordly wise men or politicians may think, the safety of kingdoms is decided according to the purpose and word of God.—Matthew Henry Concise”
---In reference to Chapter 29:
Captives in Babylon receive two letters from Jeremiah.
The letters recommend that they be patient and compose themselves...that God has not forsaken them.
"While the king of Babylon protected them, they must live quiet and peaceable lives under him, in all godliness and honesty; patiently leaving it to God to work deliverance for them in due time.—Matthew Henry Concise"
And in relation to their captivity:
"God promises that they should return after seventy years were accomplished. By this it appears, that the seventy years of the captivity are not to be reckoned from the last captivity, but the first. It will be the bringing to pass of God's good word to them. This shall form God's purposes. We often do not know our own minds, but the Lord is never at an uncertainty.
—Matthew Henry Concise"
In relation to hope:
"He will give them, not the expectations of their fears, or the expectations of their fancies, but the expectations of their faith; the end he has promised, which will be the best for them. When the Lord pours out an especial spirit of prayer, it is a good sign that he is coming toward us in mercy. Promises are given to quicken and encourage prayer.
—Matthew Henry Concise"
In the second letter judgments are denounced against the false prophets who deceived them.
"Jeremiah foretells judgments upon the false prophets, who deceived the Jews in Babylon. Lying was bad; lying to the people of the Lord, to delude them into a false hope, was worse; but pretending to rest their own lies upon the God of truth, was worst of all.
—Matthew Henry Concise"
I had an empty bottle in case I needed it so that I wouldn’t make a mess on my grandmothers couch. I had a blanket…and my pins. I worked at it painfully trying to manage something…anything…some result. I am purposefully not being graphic here. I did fall asleep and woke up later to a sore, bruised, swollen wrist. My attempts were unsuccessful, but it didn’t change my feelings of despair fully.
God used that situation though to plant a memory in my life…and He has since restored much of what I was dealing with at that time…if not but for a few personal items of baggage I have struggled to surrender and find healing with as he graciously and lovingly works on me over the years.(*A year later now I have learned to surrender even more*)
If we lose focus on the Lord…and allow our circumstances to dictate our lives…our future…we can become susceptible to despair. It can start small, but unaddressed it can spiral downward and blind you to the truth of God.
GOD wants to give us HOPE.
The Dictionary defines Hopelessness as: providing no hope; beyond optimism or hope; desperate without hope; despairing
Sadly it is a condition of humanity that is equal opportunity. It can affect anyone and everyone. We’d like to think it only affects –X- type of people…but we have to be mindful that it has the potential, left unchecked, to affect us all. We are not victims of our circumstances we are “friends of God”, daughters(children) of God through the redemption and faith in our Lord Jesus. Our Loving God, who desires for us to have peace, friendship, joy, and HOPE through nothing but Him. A God who is the author of our story...the One true God who has a future in mind for us. A God who desires to know you, to heal you, to bless you and to work through you to bless others.
“In life, the hard times can expose our dark side, that which needs to be addressed.” Our pastor spoke on this a couple months ago. (2010/2011?) After thinking about what he said I wrote this note and put it on my bulletin board.
“In life, the hard times expose our dark side, that which needs to be addressed. When it surfaces, we need to address it, humble ourselves, and seek forgiveness if we want God to use us. We ALL struggle with this @ times in our life. How we respond will be based on whether or not we trust and believe God…or if we trust and believe in ourselves. There is NO hopelessness in Christ!”
*For your own study reference I have included the information below if you would like to go deeper in your study. is a great tool to use if you are someone who likes to dig into the text, look up various translations and understand the Greek and Hebrew texts or history of the bible.(As well as listen to pronunciation of certain words.)
Words used in the bible for Hope (Greek & Hebrew)
*sounds in parenthesis are based on my own sounding out and not authentic phonetic spelling. R’s and H’s are guttural.
tiqvah (tik vah) N. feminine
miqveh (mik vay –or- mik veh) N. masculine
yachal (yaw hal) V. --to wait, hope, expect
towcheleth (toe high lech) N. feminine --hope
seber (sab ber) N. masculine –hope (only 2 places in the bible Psalms 119:116 & 146:5)
qavah (Ka vah) V. to wait, look for, hope, expect, to wait or look eagerly for
elpizō (El pied zo) V. --used religiously in reference to hope. Trust, waiting for salvation with joy & full confidence.
elpis (el peace) N. feminine –expectation of good, joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation.
Some scriptures that use various forms of “hope”.
--Psalms 31:24 = Hope = yachal
“Be strong and let your heart take courage, all you who HOPE in the Lord.”
--Psalm 39:7 = Hope = towcheleth
“And now, Lord, for what do I wait? My HOPE is in you.”
--Psalms 119:116 = Hope = seber
“Sustain me according to your word, that I may live; and do not let me be ashamed of my HOPE.
--Matthew 12:21 = Hope = elpizō
“And in His name the gentiles will HOPE.
--Romans 15:13 = Hope = elpis (both)
“May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
--Jeremiah 14:22 = Hope = qavah
“Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain? Do the skies themselves send down showers? No, it is you, O LORD our God. Therefore our HOPE is in you, for you are the one who does all this.”
Segment Five:
Brief Overview of Jeremiah : *Prophet* “One who is divinely inspired to communicate God’s will to His people and to disclose the future to them.” —New Unger's Bible Dictionary
-Jeremiah's father was an ordinary priest. (As in -not "the priest" or a "high priest")
-In the thirteenth year of King Josiah’s reign Jeremiah received his prophetical call. (He was very young.)
-He helped forward the reformation of religion under Josiah. One of his first missions was to proclaim God's message in Jerusalem. There were many ups and downs and he was also a prophet to the neighboring nations.
Matthew Henry Concise Commentary says the following:
(Jer. 1:1-10)
"The Lord who formed us, knows for what particular services and purposes he intended us. But unless he sanctify us by his new-creating Spirit, we shall neither be fit for his holy service on earth, nor his holy happiness in heaven. ...
But though a sense of our own weakness and insufficiency should make us go humbly about our work, it should not make us draw back when God calls us. Those who have messages to deliver from God, must not fear the face of man. The Lord, by a sign, gave Jeremiah such a gift as was necessary. God's message should be delivered in his own words. Whatever wordly wise men or politicians may think, the safety of kingdoms is decided according to the purpose and word of God.—Matthew Henry Concise”
---In reference to Chapter 29:
Captives in Babylon receive two letters from Jeremiah.
The letters recommend that they be patient and compose themselves...that God has not forsaken them.
"While the king of Babylon protected them, they must live quiet and peaceable lives under him, in all godliness and honesty; patiently leaving it to God to work deliverance for them in due time.—Matthew Henry Concise"
And in relation to their captivity:
"God promises that they should return after seventy years were accomplished. By this it appears, that the seventy years of the captivity are not to be reckoned from the last captivity, but the first. It will be the bringing to pass of God's good word to them. This shall form God's purposes. We often do not know our own minds, but the Lord is never at an uncertainty.
—Matthew Henry Concise"
In relation to hope:
"He will give them, not the expectations of their fears, or the expectations of their fancies, but the expectations of their faith; the end he has promised, which will be the best for them. When the Lord pours out an especial spirit of prayer, it is a good sign that he is coming toward us in mercy. Promises are given to quicken and encourage prayer.
—Matthew Henry Concise"
In the second letter judgments are denounced against the false prophets who deceived them.
"Jeremiah foretells judgments upon the false prophets, who deceived the Jews in Babylon. Lying was bad; lying to the people of the Lord, to delude them into a false hope, was worse; but pretending to rest their own lies upon the God of truth, was worst of all.
—Matthew Henry Concise"
"The accusations against many active Christians in all ages, amount to no more than this, that they earnestly counsel men to attend to their true interest and duties, and to wait for the performance of God's promises in His appointed way.
—Matthew Henry Concise"
So, do we have anything in common with the captives in Babylon?
Maybe a smidge. Can we take this encouragement and promise of hope from God (Jer. 29:11) to his people in Babylon as truth that He would council to us in our time?
I believe that HE knows the plans He has for us…NOTE: HIS plans, not OUR plans. I also believe that God intends good for us and that our future in Heaven is secure as we trust, hope, walk, and believe in Christ. I definitely believe that His intentions towards us are not for harm. I believe God wants to be our hope AND give us hope…in fact He Did. JESUS
So, what can we lose by putting ALL our faith and hope in Him?
Mark 12:30 says: (Jesus speaking) “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength”. The following verse also says to love our neighbor as ourselves and even though this was Jesus talking to a Scribe, these were HIS words as the greatest of the commandments. Talk about a mission in itself!
“He tells the scribe that the great commandment, which indeed includes all, is, that of loving God with all our hearts. Wherever this is the ruling principle in the soul, there is a disposition to every other duty. Loving God with all our heart, will engage us to every thing by which he will be pleased.—Matthew Henry Concise”
Additionally we had some Q & A about where people "look" for hope, what "we" put our trust in, and a false sense of hope.
I pulled from the resources at hand, and as a mother of four I shared a brief clip from Veggie Tales Easter Carol where Hope sings.
After this discussion I also shared the short film: The Butterfly Circus. <--click link
I was one of a handful of people that were sent a DVD for free with one request, that we share the story. I hope that if you have not seen it you will find 20 minutes to watch!
I will try to find an alternate version though if I receive comments that this version laggs too much. :)
*****NOTE: 4/29/12: The original site I worked with when I put this study together seems to default to which is great, but not as good as the original site I was using. If I find a better link I will update again.
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