Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Have you ever experienced a situation in life that left you feeling like everything was swept up in a big whirlwind and scattered beyond eyesight?

I've been there and it's not an easy place. Your emotions are fractured and your stomach is in knots.

You want to shout, scream, cry, deny, or even escape.

But you have to be strong for those that need you the most, especially if you are a parent. There will be time to heal and God will be with you. It may not be easy in the least, but if you empty yourself completely and let God fill you back up you will be strengthened. More than likely you'll still be able to pour out your life into others but, for a time, you may need to let God use others to fill you up and hold you up.

Nothing in life is for certain except God.

He has and does perform miraculous things and perhaps you may be on the edge of a miracle in your own life.

Don't let go of God in the hard times because you will need His strength to get through them.

1 comment:

  1. sam, you have a way with words :) love it. thanks for using this gift.
